
Tuesday 27 April 2010

Doctor Eleven

Post #5

I don't know about you but I'd class myself as a big Doctor Who fan, less than a month ago the Eleventh Doctor premiered with his first episode as the Doctor, he's now had three more to settle in, so what are your opinions on Matt Smith's Doctor? Personally I think he's fantastic, as good as David Tennant. Leave your comments in the cbox or comment on this post :)

Monday 26 April 2010

Homework- All to Much?

Post #4

Okay so I don't get as much homework as I did in Year seven but what's you opinion on it!? You spend six hours in school all day and then they pile more work on you, undeeded or neccisary?

Cbox Chat

Post #3

Hello again! The cbox is now up and running for everyone to chat about all of the posts here. It'd be nice for a bit of banter :P

Why go to War?

Post #2

Why do countries go to war? I just can't seem to understand it, it's something to do with government isn't it, I'm clueless about it. All these things I'm so intrested about but they don't bother teaching us about them in school. If my house was bombed during an air-raid in a World War or something I'd just think Why, I've done nothing wrong- I've worked for this home and all these things so why are you destroying them? What do you feel about war, we see it in the news so often, give us your thoughts down below.

World Keeps Spinning

Post #1

Hello I'm Joe and welcome to my blog.

I'm fourteen year's old and this blog will look at different topical features
and stuff to talk about. This is my first post.